Murale in via Porru – Wall painting in Poru St. – Wandbild in Porrustrasse

Orosei, inizio di Via Porru, Aprile 2023. Da sei anni sognavo di potermi fermare a riprendere il “Murale” di Via Porru, all’angolo con via Satta, che raffigura il volto triste e sognante di un uomo senza tempo. Finalmente l’ho fatto.

Orosei, beginning of Via Porru, April 2023. For six years I dreamed of being able to stop and film the ‘Murale’ on Via Porru, at the corner with Via Satta, which depicts the sad, dreamy face of a timeless man. I finally did it.

Orosei, beginning of Via Porru, April 2023. For six years I dreamed of being able to stop and film the ‘Murale’ on Via Porru, at the corner with Via Satta, which depicts the sad, dreamy face of a timeless man. I finally did it.